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Blog Owner! | | hey reader :DD | | im aleeya husna saharudin . | | born on 4'11'96 . | | i'm just ordinary girl . | | nothing special aboud me :DD | | sangat sukaa blogging . | | blog neh kepunyaan kekal saie | | medan luahan perasaan , suka , duka . | | semua saie share dekat blog neh . | | adaa masalah dengan blog saie ? | | silaa luahkan dekat cbox ea . | | sekiaaan , terima kaseh <3 | | MISS_DOUBLETROUBLE | | Tinjau Sini! |chatbox| Kenangan Lalu...
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Skin By LetthaKyra
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| ♥ talking to the moon ♥
Tuesday, 25 October 2011 | 01:24 | 0 panda
hello everyone =DD . aww ♥ , talking to the moon bhaii . act , tuh lagu paberet aku doe . err , setiap ayat dalam lirik tuh bagii banyak sangat makna . aduh , sedih bhaii . err , okey aku rindu kau :( . sapee ? ta payah tahu laa . hmm , dia someone yang aku penah sayang . fineee , senang cerita dia ex aku . aish , aku pon ta tao ape hal aku payah na lupe an ex-II aku . even , sekarang aku da ade bf baru . argh , shit betol . ex aku baek doe . sumpah . aduh , aku laa buad hal . daaaa , malas naa cakap . even dia agak panas baran tapii dia banyak kodd nasihat aku . sunyii weh lepas kau tinggal an aku . lepas kita break aku rase kehilangan . takde orang nasihat aku lagii . takde orang marah aku lagii . aku rindu semua tuh . err , kau laen doe . kau matang . susah cari orang macam kau . kau tahan dengan perangai aku yang suke marah-II kau , suke tuduh kau macam-II . kau tenang jee nasihat aku and yakinkan aku yang kau sygss aku . tapii , sume tuh ta lame . err , kau penah cakap yang kau akan sentiasa dekat sisi aku kan ? bukti ? takde pon . kau buad aku sedih time aku na exam . aku down gile time tuh . naseb membe aku banyak bagi nasihat . macam-II cara aku na lupe an kau . tapii , ta bole doe . aku nanges bile baca text kite . kau panggey aku syggs , aku pon panggey kau syggs . kau sweet tahu tak ? aku rindu doe dengan lawak bodoo kau ~ . ish , dah-II . aku pon da ade orang laen , kau pon mesti da ade orang laen kan ? takpeee . kite tetap kawan kan . tapii , andai suatu hari kau bagi aku peluang berubah and kite akan bersatu balek , aku akan try berubah untuk kau . demi kau ='( . now , aku da ade life baru dengan bf aku , tapii aku still ingat kau . terokkan ? emm , lantak la kau na cakap ape pon . aku memang susah na lepaskan ex-II aku .err ,walau apepon aku syggs kau hariez :*# I know you're somewhere out there Somewhere far away I want you back I want you back My neighbours think I'm crazy But they don't understand You're all I have You're all I have At night when the stars light up my room I sit by myself Talking to the Moon. Try to get to You In hopes you're on the other side Talking to me too. Or Am I a fool who sits alone Talking to the moon? I'm feeling like I'm famous The talk of the town They say I've gone mad Yeah I've gone mad But they don't know what I know Cause when the sun goes down someone's talking back Yeah They're talking back At night when the stars light up my room I sit by myself Talking to the moon. Try to get to You In hopes you're on the other side Talking to me too. Or am I a fool who sits alone Talking to the moon? Ahh...Ahh...Ahh.. Do you ever hear me calling (Ahh...Ahh..Ahh..) Ho hou ho ho hou 'Cause every night I'm talking to the moon Still try to get to you In hopes you're on the other side Talking to me too Or am I a fool who sits alone Talking to the moon? Ohoooo... I know you're somewhere out there Somewhere far away # |